Foreign Currency Loans 

These loans are available to our exporting customers to enable them purchase produce or crops like tobacco, rice, cotton, pigeon peas etc., locally and for export.
Loans are available against firm orders or against inward Letters of Credit as the case may be. 

How will my business benefit?

You borrow locally in US Dollars, Sterling or Rand, and convert the currency to Kwacha to enable you purchase the commodities locally.
After export, customers receive US Dollars, Sterling or Rand as the case may be, and repay loans at agreed instalments in the foreign currency that they borrowed.

How much will it cost?

Exporting customers have the benefit of enjoying much lower interest rates than the Kwacha denominated borrowing interest rates. Customers also have a hedge against devaluation as they borrow in foreign currency, receive Forex for their exports and repay Forex to the bank.

Prospective Customers

Exporting customers with Dollars, Rand or Sterling receivables that export against firm orders, or Letters of Credit.