If you want to invest funds that have no urgent use, you can open a Fixed Term Deposit account. This account has a higher fixed interest rate, than the other accounts, for a predetermined period usually of two, three, six, nine or twelve months duration. Minimum balance for this account is MK25, 000.
It is a fixed contract and interest is forfeited when a customer makes a withdrawal before maturity date.

How will I benefit?

Interest is paid on maturity and customers may re- invest funds at the expiry of the fixed period until such time as the funds are required. Such accounts may also be used as security in the event a customer wishes to borrow money from the bank.

Prospective Customers

  • Corporate customers
  • Personal customers
  • AID Agencies/NGO's
  • Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Parastatals

How much will it cost me?

There are no charges for the use of these accounts.