The facility is available to qualifying corporates. The contracts accounts available are:
  • 7 Day call
  • 30 Day Call
The Bank expects seven (7) days or thirty (30) days notice depending on the type of account, prior to any withdrawal of funds. Should a withdrawal be made without notice, the customer is penalized on the interest, which could otherwise have accrued for seven days or thirty days, i.e. interest is forfeited. The minimum deposit required for these accounts is K50,000.


How will I benefit

Interest is paid quarterly on these accounts. Any change in interest rates is advertised in the local press and through displays in our banking halls. Accounts may be used as security if a customer wishes to borrow from the Bank.

Prospective Customers :

  • Corporate customers
  • Personal customers
  • AID Agencies/NGO’s
  • Parastatals
  • Small and Medium enterprises

How much will it cost me?

There are no charges.
Account facilities lie at the heart of bank operations and National Bank of Malawi offers a broad selection to appeal to all clients with monies to be taken care of or invested. These accounts are of special value to small business owners, for National Bank of Malawi takes great pride in helping its business clients expand their business.