Employer Guaranteed Loans

Service/Product Target (Who Is The User In Mind)

Designed to assist high net worth corporate customers to avail their employees with loans via the Bank

Product Attributes/ Features: How Does The Product Work?

  • Min – MK100,000
  • Max – Determined by the employer and Bank
  • Repayment amount not to exceed 30% of salary
  • Maximum repayment period of 36months
  • Employer to provide a guarantee
  • Accessible by NBM and non NBM account holders because employer deducts loan repayments at source.
  • Interest rate is lower than ordinary consumer loans
  • Processing is faster
  • Can be repaid before expiry at no cost

Costs To Access The Product minimum at (RBM reference rate +9% pa)

  • Processing fees apply

How To Access Product

  • Available to NBM account & non NBM account holders in
  • Fill a credit application form
  • Submit latest payslip
  • Submit sketch map
  • Customer ID
  • Submit letter of introduction from employer.
  • Utility bill

Terms and Conditions

  • Employer to provide for monthly repayments.
  • Guarantee By Employer in format approved by the Bank



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