Special Package for Accountants

Service/Product Target

  • Accountant Registered with ICAM:
  • In Stable & confirmed employment
  • Whose salary has been consistently received through their NBM account.
  • Whose salary is not received at NBM but are willing to open a bank account.
  • Whose employers are on the list of letters of undertaking issuers.
  • Those with business income and their business is registered.
  • Whose employers are not on the list of letters of undertaking, but the institution has a good standing and are willing to issue a letter of undertaking.

Product Attributes/ Features

  1. Accountants whose net salary/income is MK2, 000,000 and above will automatically be invited to premium platinum club.
  2. Accountants who earn MK500, 000 and above will automatically be invited to premium gold club.
  3. Accountants in the age ranges of 18-35 years and whose net salary/income band is between MK300,000 – MK1,000,000 will automatically qualify for Step up professional product.
  4. The credit offering package will comprise of a credit card, overdraft limit and a loan as stipulated below.

Product Attributes/ Features

  1. Overdraft facility
    • Maximum limit aligned with the net salary
    • Renewable in12 months
  2. Credit card
    • Maximum limitaligned with the net salary to cater for travel and e-payments 
    • Repayment ratio of 50%
  3. General purpose loan
    • Maximum limit of MK20, 000,000
    • Maximum repayment period of 48 months
    • Credit life on the loan amount
    • Interest at reference rate+ 8.1%
    • Arrangement fees of 1% minimum MK48,000
  1. Subscription loan
    • Maximum loan of MK1,000,000
    • Maximum repayment period of 6 months
    • Interest at reference rate+ 8.1%
    • Arrangement fees of 1% minimum MK48,000
  2. Insurance loan
    • Maximum loan to be aligned with customer invoice
    • Maximum repayment period of 12 months
    • Interest at reference rate + 8.1%.
    • Arrangement fees of 1% minimum MK48,000

How To Access Product

  • Customer will be required to submit all KYC documentation and a letter of undertaking from employer.
  • Customer will be required to submit a letter of introduction from ICAM confirming that they are a member of the accounting body.



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